sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

How did Spanish Civil War start?

18th July of 1936, civil war starts, and ends on 1st April of 1939 with the victory of the National Band. There are two kinds of causes why the war started: far causes (before Republic) and close causes (after Republic). 

Inside the far causes we can differentiate four kinds: radical opposition, army, a little social modernisation and european ideologies. 
The radical opposition reinforced the gap between the oligarchy and the rest of society.
Before the First Republic, the army supported the Liberalism, and after that, the mentality of the army became more conservative.
In Spain, the Industrial Revolution started later and more slowly that in other countries, there was a high level of analfabetism and the church had a lot of influence in education. 
The  soviet victory on 1917 reinforced the spanish labor movement. Nazism and fascism reinforced the ideals of the more conservative sectors.

The most acusated close cause was the crisis in the economic, social and political way. To change this situation, the Republic decided to make a democratic reformism with an agrary reformation, separation between Estate and Church, universal education, universal suffrage and social improvements for women; measures that society didn't like, and so the radicalisation thoughts were reinforced.
The right-wing ideology copied the italian fascism politics, and the left-wing ideology copied the comunism ideology.

On 12nd July of 1936, José Castillo is killed by the extreme right-wing ideology and as an answer, the next day, on 13rd July of 1936, people from the left-wing ideology killed Calvo Sotelo.

On 18th July, the war starts and Spain is divided in two sides: defenders of the Republic and defenders of the National Uprising.